Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just Another Day in .......South Korea

It's been a while since I wrote in this blog.

Since I have returned from Canada, I have got back on the bandwagon of working out and trying to lose some of the 10 kg. that I have gained. YUCK!! I have even started going to Yoga.......well if you want to call it Yoga. It's a lot of stretching and putting yourself into contortionist-type positions so that your body feels like a pretzel!! Whew-hooooo!! Just what I need. Hopefully I will be fitter, less fat and more flexible when I return to Canada.

Teaching seems a little easier this term. I asked one of my Grade 2 (Grade 11) classes yesterday why they talk so much in my class and they said because it is new. I think that's a compliment but I'm not sure. Another teacher in Yeosu asked the same question and her students said because they are happy. Now THAT'S a compliment!! I seem to have more control over the new students this term. I can't decide whether the kids are more attentive and respectful or that I have established a routine or a combination of both - probably the latter.

My extra classes with the Grade 6 elementary students start today so I will see how those 'little darlins' are.

My Grade 1 (7) and Grade 3 (9) students are away on a field trip for today, tomorrow and Friday so I have no classes for the next 3 days other than my after school classes at English Town. But, you guessed it........I have to come to school and sit here. That is part of the reason I have time to write this instalment.

Last weekend was spent in Mokpo visiting with some of the other teachers from my Canadian Connection group. The weather was lousy so we didn't do much but it was nice to travel to another city and see another part of Jeollanam province. Mokpo os on the water (I really miss being on or at least near the wather.) Plans have been made to go to Jeju Island on the long weekend in May which for us is May 5 - 7. We are taking a 4 and 1/2 hour ferry ride from Mokpo to Jeju. Hope the weather is good or I may be 'tossing my cookies'. I am looking forward to seeing Jeju as it is supposed to be beautiful....Korea's they say!!

Time is going by so fast....I have almost been here 8 months. WOW!! Christmas was the hardest to be away from home but I think the rest of the time will be OK and before I know it, I will be home again.

There really isn't much to tell so I will sign off. Take care and be safe!!