Back in the Saddle Again!!
Much has happened since I last wrote in this journal.
During my wonderful trip to Thailand with my wonderful friend Sasha, I learned that my Mother was very ill and I arranged a trip home.
Before heading off for Canada I spent 4 days in school and witnessed my first Korean graduation of the Grade 3's (Grade 9's) in my Girls' Middle School. It seemed pretty similar to Canadian graduations - students going up to receive their diplomas, proud parents standing around with flowers (the flower 'peddlars' were outside the school ready to sell their 'wares' to the needy!! and forgetful!!) and lots of merriment.
The afternoon of February 16th was the beginning of a 2 day trek to get home to Canada to see my sick Mom (who had been told I was coming). Two buses later from Yeonggwang, I arrived in Busan (yet another new city and situation) where I found a motel to stay overnight (quite an interesting experience when you don't speak the language!!) The next morning I took a taxi to the airport and began a 2 stop flight to Toronto - Busan to Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo to Detroit - Detroit to Toronto. 17 hours or so later, I arrived in T.O. having crossed the International dateline - I left on Friday, February 17 and arrived Friday, February 17.....AMAZING!!
What should behold me when I got my bags and through customs (with no hassle!) was the beautiful smiling face of my daughter. What a sight to see!! It was SO GOOD to be HOME!!
After a quick bite at Burger King (it's amazing how good a hamburger can taste when you are used to 'much different food'!!), we headed to the long term care place where Mom was to see her. On arrival there, we were informed that she was in the hospital.
Fortunately the hospital (York Central) was on the same premises so we soon found Mom. She seemed disoriented but nevertheless, was aware of who we were.
Without going into a lot of details, a lot of the next 2 weeks was spent visiting with Mom and having a wonderful opportunity to say our good byes and to thank her for being a wonderul Mom and Nanny.
MOM WENT TO BE WITH HER LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, early Saturday March 4th, 2006 - one day before her 84th birthday.
I am so thankful that I was able to get home before she passed away. I am thankful too that she didn't have to suffer for long and that she was kept comfortable by the palliative care nurses at the hospital. Most of all, I am thankful that she is finally at peace, happy and at HOME!!
Shawna and I had the privilege of singing at Mom's funeral - a wonderful triumphant song of the believer's hope in life eternal in a place where there will be....
"no more night, no more pain, no more tears never crying again.
Praises to the Great I AM.
We will live in the light of the Risen Lamb!"
Mom had great faith (which she passed on to her children and anyone else who would listen) and she had died in the arms of her Heavenly Father who welcomed her home with the promised words...."Well done good and faithful servant, enter in to the joys of your Lord."
Her funeral was a wonderful tribute to her from those who knew her and loved her. Thank you to all!!
As much as I will miss her, I would not wish her back here as her last few years on earth were not happy having suffered a broken hip, ongoing osteoporosis and other aging ills. She has a new body now. What a blessing!
Besides time spent with Mom, I also had time to spend with my precious friends and family. What a blessing to have such wonderful people with whom to share this journey. There was laughter, tears, dancing, eating, hugs, kisses, talking, reminiscing.......I LOVED IT ALL!!
A month came and went very quickly (as did the 3000+ kms I put on the rental car) and before I knew it, it was time to reverse the trip to return to Yeonggwang.
I arrived back on Friday, March 17th....just in time for St. Patrick's Day....funny, though, there was no 'green beer' in Yeonggwang (not that I really went looking for it!!)
The week-end was spent doing laundry and relaxing (you know how it is said that you have to go 'home' for a rest....well that's what it seemed like for me) and getting psyched up to go back to school.
As I write this, the end of the first week will be tomorrow. So far I haven't killed anyone nor have they killed me. Actually, the week has been relatively easy because I have just introduced myself to mostly new students since we have started a new year. I have showed them pictures and allowed them to ask me questions....the one burning question is always "how old are you?" Luckily I don't have a problem telling people my age or, in the case of the students, making a game of it and having them guess!! (Some people would not fair well in this culture... right Keerlin?:)
The next 5 months are sure to speed by so I will, as always, take 'one day at a time' and enjoy the journey.
Until next time....adieu!!