Lord Forgive Me When I Whine!
I have had a special place in my heart for people with physical challenges ever since I worked at the, then named, Ontario Crippled Children's Centre. It has since been renamed - more politically correct - The Hugh MacMillan Centre. I worked as a Recreation Counsellor when I finished High School and during my 4 years at University studying Physical and Health Education. Most of the kids that I worked with had either Spina Bifida or Cerebral Palsy. I met some very inspiring people there who did not let their physical challenges hamper them. They were always inspiring and always made me appreciate my own good health. Sometimes I think I am paralyzed in other ways!!
That intro brings me to the point of the title of this instalment. On Saturday, I was in Gwangju just walking (on two strong - and perhaps a little extra "beefy" - legs)around the shops in the downtown area. I love it there. As I walked I couldn't help but hear some music being played - instrumental only and definitely a hymn - in English it is "Jesus Paid It All". I looked around to see from where it was coming and.....I had to look "down" because it was coming from the front of a wooden "dolly". On that "dolly" was a man I had seen once before on the streets of Gwangju. He lies on his stomach on this wooden "dolly" and pushes himself along using only his arms because he is an amputee as well as (from my limited knowledge to diagnose)having cerebral palsy. At that moment, I was overwhelmed by his determination, courage and lack of pride. He was not just sitting, begging, he was out pushing himself on his belly with a little plastic bowl in front of the "dolly" that he had to keep moving along as he slowly moved forward. Begging is such a normal practice in large cities and one that I find particularly hard to deal with for various reasons but this man and his plight really touched and broke my heart!! I immediately reached into my wallet and gave him some money. I sensed that he had cerebral palsy because he just smiled a little and nodded his head but didn't speak which is very common with those who have CP. I walked away being profoundly affected by him. He wasn't complaining - he was out doing what he had to do! God bless him!! What REALLY touched me was when I went by him a little later and he, obviously, recognized me, he lifted his upper torso off his "dolly" and gave me the biggest, crookedest smile as if to say "THANK YOU"!! That made my day! It also reminded me of a poem that I knew about and I did a search on the internet to find it. It is entitled "Lord Forgive Me When I Whine!" and hence, the title of this instalment. It is a great reminder to those of us who are able-bodied to be thankful for eyes, ears, legs, hands, etc. If you are not familiar with it and even if you are and want to read it again, go to: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/hblim/passages/whine.htm
That was a very important, inspiring part of my Korean Adventure and I wanted to share it with you. Be thankful!!