Monday, September 12, 2005

School Days

Monday, September 12, 2005

It's amazing to sit in a teacher's meeting when you don't understand a word of what's being said and look around at the other teachers. Some are staring out the window, some are reading, writing and one was picking his.........O.K. I know, too much information.
Although I had no classes today because my students were on a 4 day school trip to Jeju Island, I was still required to go to school. My VP "plays by the rules" - a phrase I taught my co-teacher today. She was delighted. I also taught her the other part of "see you later alligator" - you know, "in a while croccodile". She loves to learn new words and expressions and is always asking me to correct her and give her new words, etc. I wish the students were that eager.

So I spent time on lesson plans.

I have a meeting this afternoon for the upcoming English Town where I will be teaching too - Elementary age students. I am getting out my children's songs like The Alphabet Song, Ring Around The Rosey, and finding some new ones (to me) like Days of the Week, Colours, What's this?, etc. This will be VERY INTERESTING!!

Speaking of students, I will post some pictures of my classes so far. The all girls classes are Middle School (Grades 7 or 9) and the co-ed classes are High School (Grades 10 or 11).



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